Long-term care insurance plans are important because they can help you stay in your own home longer. In the event you do need to go to an assisted living community, the long-term care policy can pay the facility's daily or monthly rate for your treatment. Getting long-term care insurance is one way to protect yourself against future medical expenses, and it can help you remain independent.
Long-Term Care in Your Own Home
Often, you may need help with a few basic daily activities as you age. If you receive assistance, you can manage to stay at home safely. Some tasks that long-term insurance covers are showering, getting dressed, toileting, and preparing and eating meals. The insurance can help pay for a caregiver or home health worker to come to your home and help you with these things. Some other daily tasks that can be covered include housekeeping, setting up and taking prescriptions, and shopping for food and household supplies.
Care Outside Your Home
If staying at home is not possible due to a temporary or permanent condition, the long-term policy will help cover nursing homes, assisted-living facilities, and daycare centers for adults. Day centers for adults are professional operations that can provide therapy, social services, and counseling. Some diseases and medical conditions require around the clock attention for safety reasons. The daycare option provided by long-term care policies allows family members to continue working while still providing care.
Long-Term Care Insurance Helps Preserve Finances
Without a long-term care policy, assisted-living or home health care expenses not covered by Medicare or other plans are your responsibility. Nursing care and assisted living types of homes are costly, but having a plan in place can make any transitions you may have to make easier financially. Often when someone does not have the financial means to pay for services and care, family members help pay the bills. With long-term care coverage, your family will not be burdened financially.
How to Find Long-Term Care Insurance
Having long-term care can have a significant impact on every aspect of a person’s life.
Helpful advice from the Della Porta Agency is a great resource to help you prepare financially for the future, and can offer you and your family some peace of mind.